Micah's Secret Blog

📌 [1] Congrats! You've found my hidden blog!

1 minute read Published: 2024-05-01
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Congratulations! You have found my "secret" blog- you must have been snooping around. It is a hidden gem that only the most curious and adventurous visitors will discover.

[11] Setting Up a Supercharged Neovim Configuration

21 minute read Published: 2024-10-13

Over the summer, after finally getting around to learning Vim motions (see blog post #9), I quickly fell down the Neovim rabbithole and have been procrastinating work by tinkering away at my configurations ever since! This post will be sharing setup that I have currently landed at to turn my Neovim editor into a supercharged workhorse.

[10] A Deep Dive into SQLite's Query Optimizer

17 minute read Published: 2024-08-27

I love databases, but they are still largely a magical black box to me, so in this post, I'm going to explore how SQLite's query optimizer works. We'll delve together into the process of how SQL queries are parsed, optimized, and executed, with a particular focus on the optimization phase. By the end of this post, you'll have a better understanding of how SQLite's query optimizer works and how it can help you write more efficient queries.

[9] vimtutor-sequel: The Extended vimtutor

4 minute read Published: 2024-08-04

The vimtutor program is the essential starting point for anyone looking to learn the basics of using Vim. In as little as a half hour, you can learn 90% of what you'll ever need for vim, however, there are many useful motions and commands that are left out of the program. This article details the simple software package I wrote to address this limitation, vimtutor-sequel.

[7] An Optimistic Take: AI's Augmentation of Software Professionals

11 minute read Published: 2024-07-19

No doubt you've heard it before: "AI will make programmers obsolete" or "AI will take your job." But is this narrative accurate? News stories like Cognition AI's Devin, albeit found to be categorically a hoax, have nonetheless fueled fears among software professionals about the future of their careers. However, the most current look at the state of AI in software development suggests a more nuanced and hopeful future.