📌 [1] Congrats! You've found my hidden blog!

2 minute read Published: 2024-05-01
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Congratulations! You have found my hidden blog. This blog is not advertised or linked to from anywhere on my site so you must have been snooping around. It is a hidden gem that only the most curious and adventurous visitors will discover.

I'm not sure what I will use this blog for yet, but I'm thinking it will be a place for me to share personal stories, thoughts, and reflections that don't quite fit into the rest of my site.

For those curious, this blog is built with Zola, a static site generator written in Rust, because I am too lazy to write the code myself ("The three chief virtues of a programmer are: Laziness, Impatience and Hubris." - Larry Wall). The theme is a custom theme called "After Dark" that can be found here.

Be warned-- though you found this blog this time, I think I will make it even harder to find in the future. Stay tuned for more hidden gems and easter eggs on my site. Until then, enjoy this little scavenger hunt victory!

Update: I have decided to make this blog public and link to it from my main site. I hope you enjoy the content I will be sharing here. Stay tuned for more updates!