Markdown Formatting Test

2 minute read Published: 2024-12-13

This page demonstrates various Markdown formatting features that can be used in the theme. The following sections showcase different elements, such as blockquotes, headings, lists, and more.

Table of Contents

Markdown Text Formatting Options

Some bold text. Italic text. Bold and italic text. Strikethrough text. Inline code.

Collapsible Sections

Open sections by default:

Click to close

This is an open section.

Closed sections by default:

Click to open



This is a blockquote example. You can add multiple levels of blockquotes to create a nested structure. For example, this is a second level blockquote.

This is a third level blockquote.


H3 Header Example

This is an example of an H3 header.

H4 Header Example

This is an example of an H4 header.


Header 1Header 2Header 3
Row 1Row 1Row 1
Row 2Row 2Row 2
Row 3Row 3Row 3


Unordered List

Ordered List

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

Code Blocks

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Inline Code

This is an example of inline code. You can use backticks to highlight code snippets within a paragraph.

This is an example link. You can add links to text by wrapping the text in square brackets and the URL in parentheses.